Interchange revolves around the economic and political changes in the People's Republic of China. It is the story of lives touched by revolution, and of personal struggles and triumphs under an ever-watchful government. Set against the backdrop of the Cultural Revolution, the pro-democracy demonstrations at Tiananmen Square, and the handover of the British colony of Hong Kong to Chinese rule, Interchange presents the intricacies of life in modern-day China with parallel action of life in America. In novel form, this book analyzes the rapid changes in China brought on by revolution, and enables the reader to journey through time to examine Chinese life and women's roles in an ever-evolving society. Democracy, communism, freedom and revolution are all a part of the story of Interchange. Change is the constant and driving force in this intriguing story to which there can literally be no end. The political backdrop of revolution, change, uncertainty, dreams of coming to America-and the families left behind-are all interwoven into one compelling story as two women embark on separate paths toward self-discovery. With all this, and a touch of romance where one least expects it, Interchange is sure to find a place in the hearts of many readers.