An Independent Review of Indigenous Education in the Northern Territory
出版Northern Territory Department of Education, 1999
註釋A review of Indigenous education was undertaken in the Northern Territory, Australia, to determine the educational views of Indigenous communities, key issues affecting educational outcomes for Indigenous children, and supportable actions to improve those outcomes. Data collection included 126 targeted interviews, 40 public meetings, 106 formal submissions, document and literature review, and case studies of 44 schools with significant Indigenous enrollment. The review documented a widespread desire among Indigenous people for improvements in their children's education, unequivocal evidence of deteriorating outcomes from an already unacceptably low base, and substantial evidence of long-term system failure to address this situation. Deteriorating outcomes included declining attendance despite increasing enrollments, poor retention rates in secondary school, and declining literacy and numeracy skills among young people. Sections of this report cover background on previous reports and the sociocultural context; academic achievement and student evaluation procedures; school reporting systems; information technology and telecommunications; funding and costs; school facilities and infrastructure; staffing (administrator and teacher recruitment and retention, teacher education, Indigenous teachers and staff); access to and provision of early childhood, primary, secondary, postsecondary, and adult education; bilingual education and literacy acquisition; attendance, mobility, and health issues; data deficiencies; and community partnerships (school councils and Indigenous decision making). More than 150 recommendations are offered. Appendices include lists of reports and submissions used, the research methodology, the school questionnaire, Indigenous education expenditures, and a list of bilingual programs and Indigenous Australian languages used. (Contains 61 references and 33 data tables and figures.) (SV)