Kemal Seyhan: Proportional Line

Kemal Seyhan is a painter in love with looking structures. He searches for the brief encounter, that fleeting moment when a small detail of everyday life, a lonely line, a graffiti, a lavish colour on the road open his life to him, consequently, to his abstract paintings. His vocabulary consists largely of proportional lines, gouged surfaces, linear marks, hidden symbols, signs, calligraphic tracery, and emotional colours. What he has lined on, scratched out, or incised into surface of his work, ranges from legible transcription to illegible inscription.

In Kemal Seyhan Proportional Line and Structure , three international authors (Alistair Hicks, London; Edelbert Köb, Wien, Necmi Sönmez, Düsseldorf) examine artist's lives, evaluation of his work, his belief in the transformative power of pure lines and enigmatic structures.

Kemal Seyhan was born in Kayseri, Turkey, in 1960 and became Austrian state resident in 1996. Seyhan has been living and working both in Istanbul and Vienna since 2004.