Adult Education and Women's Needs
A Study of Some Community Organisations in the Western Cape
出版CACE Publications, 1994
註釋A study reviewed nonformal education provided by community organizations, particularly that for women, in the Western Cape (South Africa). It was set against a background of the struggle against apartheid and women's special needs and interests. The interview schedule included open-ended and structured questions and was designed to elicit details on the structure of organizations, the training they provided, the problems faced by the interviewees and recommendations for the future. Findings indicated that organizations varied in size, number of people reached, and number of paid or volunteer workers. Aims of the organizations were broad and of a general nature. The multifaceted nature of the goals of many organizations could prove inefficient in the long-run. Funding was one of the most crucial problems. The organizations did not address issues of sexism and racism within themselves. Survival strategies training included primary health care directed almost exclusively at women and life skills training directed toward men and women alike. Training for income-generating work appeared to be most successful with women. Training for unemployed workers tended to be geared toward men. Although women had been included in political training, issues relevant to their subordination had not been addressed. The effectiveness of trainer training carried out by women who had learned to train through experience and expediency had not been assessed. (Appendixes contain a list of organizations surveyed and the interview schedule. Contains 55 references.) (YLB)