Sensing the Divine
John Owen's Anthroposensitive Theology and Affective Spirituality
出版Vrije Universitait Amsterdam, 2023
註釋John Owen (1616–83), a prominent English Reformed theologian, emphasized the importance of affections in Christian life. Recent studies on the history of emotions have revealed a nuanced differentiation between “affections” and “passions” before the rise of secular psychology in the eighteenth century. Christian theologians, prior to the seventeenth century, distinguished affections and passion and used the concept of affections extensively. Affections, as opposed to turbulent emotions, are regarded as a more delicate inclination and disposition of the soul. As Kelly Kapic suggests, one of the characteristics of Owen’s theology is his anthroposensitive approach, which refers to the intertwining of theological considerations and practical human application. Owen's theology is built in a theocentric way, with a particular emphasis on the experiential and pastoral aspects. This research investigates how Owen used the concept of affections to construct his anthroposensitive theology. The research examines how Owen’s view of affections was influenced by other theologians in the tradition of affective spirituality and how he used this concept in his own theology. This study thus poses sub-questions including the context in which Owen developed his understanding of affections, how Owen viewed divine love and affections, and how his affective spirituality related to believers’ divine communion with God. Additionally, this study investigates how Owen’s views on affective spirituality were related to his ideas on worship and the edification of Christian life and how this concept provided the foundation for human flourishing and happiness. Owen associated affections with various ideas, such as habitus, spiritual mindedness, conjugal affections, and human flourishing.