Attack on Planet Falrus
註釋Falrus is a small planet in the First Galaxy, far away from Earth. This idyllic world is separated from the darker and little-understood half of the First Galaxy by Line Desimak, an imaginary line similar to Earth’s equator. Giren and Gomi Demba are twins with different personalities; they consider themselves “friendly enemies.” Their science-prodigy friend, Square, builds a robot named Professor Potty who proves to be far more than an über intelligent toy! The President and Commander Bonzok from the OLD World (Outside Line Desimak) decide it’s time Falrus comes under their rule. These tyrants will stop at nothing to take over the entire galaxy. The twins, Square and Professor Potty must devise a plan to stop them. But a sequence of events will put one of the twins smack dab in the middle of a very dangerous situation. Can Falrus be saved from the evil clutches of two powerful leaders who want the First Galaxy all to themselves? With the school year drawing to a close, these adventurous friends (with the help of a dancing robot) intend to keep Falrus the way it’s always been and just maybe, make some “out of their world” friends along the way.