Template to Write an informal business plan


This Tool allows the reader to become acquainted with the particularity of the informal business plan and to understand with what spirit it should be written. 

The following business plan is an informal plan. It proposes to present the information of an informal business project information in the most professional way possible, all while respecting the inherent simplicity at the informal sector. It can be used to clarify the stringent vision of the promoter but most importantly to have confidence in the initiative that is presented. The technical level is therefore lesser, however, without ignoring the unavoidable parts of a business project presentation and especially the pertinence of the information gathered for the business operation. For entrepreneurs in the « formal » sector, it, however, constitutes a structure of writing such as inspiring to conditions to push the reflection to a satisfactory level of technical jurisdiction. Notably, we develop the financial aspects. Analysts are invited not to follow a classical reading routine, but to show proof of sagacity to decode the information in their presentation which, although informal, aims to give guarantees for an investment where the goal is to be reimbursed on term.