Die jüdische Gemeinde in Kuppenheim
註釋Surveys the history of Jews in Kuppenheim, Germany, from their first settlement there in 1560 until World War II. Pp. 69-123 discuss the Nazi period. In 1933, 51 Jews were living in Kuppenheim, most of them working as cattle dealers. Many left for the USA or other places in Germany. Reports on the "Kristallnacht" pogrom, Aryanization of Jewish property, persecution, and deportations. In October 1940, the 16 remaining Jews in Kuppenheim were deported to Gurs, Rivesaltes, or other places in France. Eight of them, who were elderly, died in France, and the others were deported via Drancy to Auschwitz. In all, 20 former residents of Kuppenheim were murdered in Auschwitz.