Foundations and Applications, 2nd Asia Pacific Edition
出版Wiley, 2013-10-21
主題Business & Economics / Management

The second edition of this text has been thoroughly updated,continuing its strong emphasis on the importance of the Asianregion to contemporary Australian and New Zealand organisations.Many Asian case examples are featured to illustrate key managementconcepts, and these provide a useful basis for comparison withmanagement practices in Australia and New Zealand.

Numerous practical examples throughout the text highlightcontemporary management issues, such as:

  • workplace diversity
  • sustainability
  • ethics/corporate social responsibility
  • the impact of technology
  • innovation in the workplace
  • globalisation
  • employee engagement
  • flexible working arrangements
  • work-life balance
  • generational issues in the workplace
  • skills shortages in various industries
  • the importance of effective employee recruitment andtraining
  • organisational culture
  • workforce flexibility and casualisation
  • the ‘24/7’ nature of contemporary communicationtechnology, including social media
  • outsourcing


Management, Foundation and Applications, 2ndAsia-Pacific edition, has also retained the features that madeits previous edition so popular with students and lecturers,including the Career Readiness Workbook activities at the end ofthe book, and the accompanying Interactive Study Guide with itsvast array of multimedia resources.