dos feitos, que os Portuguezes fizeram na conquista, e descubrimento das terras, e mares do Oriente
出版Livraria Sam Carlos, 1973
註釋The "Décadas da Ásia" [Decades of Asia] were initiated by João de Barros and completed by Diogo de Couto. The first three decades were written by João de Barros (being the first Decade assisted by Damião de Góis) and the remaining by Diogo de Couto.The first of the "Décadas da Ásia" appeared in 1552, and its reception was such that the king straightway charged Barros to write a chronicle of King Manuel. His many occupations, however, prevented him from undertaking this book, which was finally composed by Damião de Góis. The second Decade came out in 1553 and the third in 1563, but he died before publishing the fourth Decade. In 1595 Diogo Couto (Lisbon, c. 1542 - Goa, 10 December 1616) was invited to organize the Goa archive (being appointed "Guarda-Mor do Tombo da India"), and to continue writing the Decades of João de Barros (1496 - 20 October 1570), a history of the Portuguese in India, Asia, and southeast Africa. In his lifetime the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th "Décadas" were published. After Couto died, his other works were in the hands of his brother-in-law, the priest Deodato da Trindade.