註釋Join Elizabeth Wright as she shares her journey from disconnection and self-destruction to her re-connection with Spirit and supreme self-love. Her powerful story of transformation delivered in an honest, authentic voice will touch your heart as she bares the truth of her soul. Elizabeth was born in India and raised in Turkey, before moving to the United States at ten years of age. She lived on the East Coast, in the Mid-West and Rocky Mountains before moving to Australia for eleven years, then upstate New York and she now resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With a degree in Journalism, Elizabeth Wright worked in the media for many years before transitioning into a Vibrational Healer, yoga teacher and spiritual motivator, affecting many people's lives for the better. The book is a combination of her personal story from despair to triumph as well as a how-to guide for vibrational healing. At this time in history, many restructurings are taking place across the globe; old outdated systems that no longer work for our societies are crumbling and new, innovative systems are being created. Now is the time of a massive shift in consciousness for the planet and Elizabeth's educational and inspirational messages are perfectly suited to guide people to positive ways of thinking and belief systems that support these important shifts. The information she imparts is pertinent and current to the global scene. Elizabeth provides tools and guidelines to help the every day person learn what it takes to re-connect to their own Higher Self, the most spiritual and perfect part of each of us, our essence. She also instructs how to perform vibrational healing on others as well as how to clear your own energetic field to help raise your vibration. Vibrational healing uses an ancient technique of channeling light or energy into the client's body to balance the body's seven major energy centers called Chakras, thereby activating the body's own self-healing ability. She provides helpful energetic exercises which explain how to tap into and use the energy to help bring about your own change and healing. This book can really help a large number of people transform their own lives which will, in turn support the new way of living and being in a healthier, holistic society benefiting every living thing on this planet.