Guide for physical activity promotion and exercise prescription in colorectal cancer patients during chemotherapy treatment

This guide is addressed to all those professionals whose aim is to care for and improve the health of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients during their treatment, as well as to the patients themselves and their families.

In this guide we will collect information about several aspects related to the promotion of physical activity (PA) and the prescription of physical exercise in this population.

The goals set out in this document are:

To know the benefits of PA from a scientific perspective.

To delve into the factors that influence PA participation during the chemotherapy treatment.

To detail the PA recommendations for oncological patients.

To describe the importance of physical exercise prescription in a multidisciplinary work group environment.

To provide scientific evidence and practical considerations for the physical training of patients with stomas.

To create awareness of the role of the sports sciences professional in the hospital setting, of their abilities and their role as part of a multidisciplinary team.