
From the villages of Puerto Rico and Cuba, this story starts as one family’s drive to live the American Dream. With every journey, there are obstacles and challenges to overcome, as well as, euphoria and heartbreak to celebrate and endure.

The child of immigrants, Sylvia Cruz is an indomitable force, who fights her way through life only to die suddenly in an accident. Her son, Jamie, skeptical of this ‘accident’ enlists his oldest friend, a former FBI Special Agent, Eddy, to unpack this seemingly closed case. The intrigue intensifies when Eddy learns of the family’s relationship to a ruthless crime syndicate, “The Montenegro Doble Doble.” Betrayal and revenge become the back story of this family’s American Dream. Amidst Sylvia’s occasional triumphs, there are setbacks, defeats and victims aplenty. Buckle up, the ride will take you from the shores of the Caribbean to the concrete jungle of the South Bronx.