This Audio CD set accompanies the Student's Book new edition of this market-leading course. The components of this course provide a smooth transition from GCSE to AS level and through to A2, following the new four-unit exam specifications from 2008.
The course is structured in 13 units, 7 for AS (the first of these being a transition unit from GCSE to AS) and 6 for A2. Each unit follows broadly the same three stages: introductory, consolidatory/developmental and creative. All four language skills are carefully developed throughout the course through the exploitation of authentic written and recorded material, and with appropriate oral presentation and written tasks, to prepare students for their examinations. Grammar is presented and exemplified in context, with explanations in English, and an effective and comprehensive summary is provided at the end of the Student's Book. Additional assessment and support material is available in the Teacher's Resource Book, along with full answer keys and audio transcripts. The Audio CD set contains all the material for the listening activities throughout the course.