Irish Lit
註釋Lt. Al Santorini sits at his desk examining a case folder with the name Jake Hanson, a psychotic killer which Al brought to justice, and for which he is about to receive a national award for the Law Enforcement Person of the Year. The file folder is marked "Closed." Or, is it?

An innocuous incident occurs at an adult dance club that crosses the police blotters and leads to the involvement of Al Santorini. A sniper is on the loose in Al's hometown and he appears to be the main target. John Murphy-an operative in the IRA many years ago-wants satisfaction for the death of his brother and will go to great lengths in achieving his mission. Al receives clues that are sketchy and unexplained but he is determined and resolute to solve the mystery.

R.L. Roach is a lifelong resident of southern California. After a stint of two years in the army, he attended courtreporting school and practiced his craft for thirty plus years in the criminal and civil courts, retiring ten years ago to Oregon to begin a career as a writer. He now enjoys golf, fly-fishing, reading and traveling. Mr. Roach's favorite authors include Charles Dickens, John Steinbeck and Steven Ambrose. He has published one novel, Seismic.