Living For Christ in the End Times

How are Christians to live in the midst of a society that is collapsing into anarchy and a church that is being overwhelmed by apostasy? In other words, how are we to respond to increasing paganism? Are we to ignore it, embrace it, or take a stand against it in behalf of righteousness?

Dr. Reagan begins this hard-hitting book with a breathtaking review of the breakdown of society and the apostasy that is raging within the church.

He then outlines how we are to live for Christ by:

Standing on the Word of God

Believing in the Power of God

Relying on the Holy Spirit

Practicing Tough Faith

Ordering Priorities

Keeping an Eternal Perspective

Standing for Righteousness

Persisting in Prayer

Surrendering in Worship

Clinging to Hope

The book concludes with a survey of God’s prophetic promises for the future which guarantee believers a great victory over this world when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.