Political Consciousness
註釋What is the American Way? What is the American Dream? What is your vision of America at its best? How close is your vision to reality?Like any country, the United States of America is far from perfect. More than 200 years ago, however, a handful of men developed and shared a set of ideas that has served as the bedrock for this country and this society. Those ideas, like all ideas, created an outcome. And that outcome has saved more lives from tyranny, poverty, fascism, and socialism than any other country in the history of civilization.Imagine if you could develop and share a thought with such a remarkable and enduring outcome? You can. You have the power to begin doing so today.Using a professionally developed process called High Consciousness Thinking, literally anybody can hone their ability to think and create an emotion, which drives behavior which leads to an outcome.If you, like so many people, wish to unlock the full potential of the American experiment, the keys are here for you in these pages. Begin a selfless journey that will help you inspire other Americans to create a movement that empowers citizens to succeed based on their own set of skills while dismantling the false premise that we should look to the government for solutions.You are the solution.