Every hero has a beginning…
Blake Trumbull is a genius. His ravenous intellect has garnered him multiple advanced degrees and produced numerous technological patents. That intellect, plus his boundless energy, have made him a popular professor at Korbahn Bay University in the city of New Bedlam. There, he had no intention of doing anything more than research and teaching and living life to the fullest.
He never had any intention of becoming a vigilante hero.
That changed with one chance encounter on a cold winter night.
Coming upon a scene of violence between a female student and the university’s star football player, he intervened, stopping it.
He thought his work was done. He went on his way, congratulating himself for saving the woman from further brutality.
Until a few days later, when her murdered body was found in a dumpster.
There was no doubt who the killer was.
The only question was, would this popular and well connected killer get away with the deed?
Only Blake saw the incident.
Only he wanted justice for this orphaned woman.
Weighed by his own guilt, Blake sets out to take matters in his own hands.
Where the law cannot–or will not–stand up for the wronged…someone has to.
The amazing Bedlam’s Heroes origin story.