Geology at MIT 1865-1965: A History of the First Hundred Years of Geology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This book completes Professor Shrock's full-scale history of MIT's Geology Department.

This book completes Professor Shrock's full-scale history of MIT's Geology Department. Volume I, Faculty and Supporting Staff, presented biographical sketches of the first fifty-three professors of geology, supplemented by discussions of the founding of the Institute, the development of the geology faculty and curriculum, and the nature and extent of assistance given by support staff. The biographies covered such figures as MIT's founder, W. B. Rogers, "a practical scientist"; economic geologist Waldemar Lindgren; crystallographer Martin Buerger; geochemist T. Sterry Hunt; theorist R. A. Daly; geomorphologist Douglas Johnson, geochronologist P. M. Hurley; and geophysicist Frank Press.

Volume II includes discussions of the MIT time capsule, laboratory and field work; facilities for teaching and research; financing of the geological sciences at the Institute; women in geology; geology, mineralogy, geophysics, geochemistry, geochronology, and oceanography at MIT; the Godfrey Lowell Cabot Spectrographic Laboratory; the Green building; the Geophysical Analysis Group (GAG) Project; and research on coal and the origin of petroleum. The names of all geology graduates from 1890 through 1970 appear, together with the titles of their dissertations and brief descriptions of the 175 books written by the Department's professors and graduates.