Fresh Angels and Markings
註釋Miraculous events occur every day in a Christian's life if they have the "eyes of their heart opened" as St. Paul prayed. Most supernatural events are unseen or not spiritually appraised by the average Christian. But at certain times, God breaks through our rationalizations and unbelief and reveals his Real Presence to us in the the most amazing ways.

This memoir is based on forty-four years of dreams, visions, angels and demons that were manifested to me, my wife Jane, and other family members.

Of course, there were many days and nights when I experienced the "dark night of the soul," where God seemed distant and my spiritual soul was dry and in need of the water that comes from Jesus. This book was started fifteen years ago but I stopped writing as it was not the time to do it as God had other things for me to learn. Then, in 2011 I had a brain stroke caused by a blood clot. I was not able to work as a teacher for six months and I was left with mild paralysis on my right side. God allowed the stroke to happen but also taught me to be thankful for each day as life itself is a miracle!

My prayer and hope for you is that you would take seriously the bible account of miracles in the four Gospels and in Luke's account of the early church in the book of Acts in the New Testament.

St. Augustine said it best,"NOVERIM TE, NOVERIM ME." This translated is, "May I know you, may I know me." M.S. Lynch