The War of the Ghosts and Machines

Are you a ghost or a machine? You don't need to be a superstitious believer to support the side of the ghosts.

Machine people reduce everything to lifeless, mindless, purposeless atoms of matter: the ultimate little machines. For "ghost" people, reality reduces to dimensionless, mathematical singularities, which are none other than the hyperrational monadic souls posited by Pythagoras and Leibniz.

Ghost people subscribe to atoms (minds) with atomic number zero, i.e. minds/souls are made of massless, dimensionless photons. Machine people start with hydrogen atoms, with atomic number one.

All "ghost" entities are associated with zero and infinity. All machine people deny the existence of zero and infinity. Mathematically, these are the two numbers where the ghosts and the machines collide head on.

This book is all about demonstrating that there are indeed ghosts in the machines.