Chocolate Kisses
註釋Kissing Junction, the town that speeds life up! (Hey, the new town motto!!) Cameron Galvington: This firefighter and chocolate aficionado is on the hunt for the girl that haunts his dreams. After figuring out who she is, he sets course for their forever. Tiffani Galucci: The object of obsession and baker extraordinaire, has been equally obsessed with Cam from afar. Not knowing if she'd ever see him again, she gave up hope. When their friends play matchmaker, sparks fly and so does the chocolate. Like seriously, all the chocolate! Can their love stand the test of her own anxieties or will she let him go? No, just no. Kissing Junction is all about safe, ridiculous insta-love, and sexy happily ever after's. We didn't suddenly turn into monsters. We promise. We shouldn't play favorites, but Cam is the f*cking man, and we hope you think so too.