The Effect of Exercise During Decompression from Increased Barometric Pressures on the Incidence of Decompression Sickness in Man
註釋Twenty-seven divers in excellent physical condition were used as subjects for the studies. A total of 201 dives were made, 60 being of the saturation type (depths of 33 to 40 feet for 12 hours exposure) and 141 of them being of the short deep variety. Results: the adverse effect of exercise is similar after saturation dives or the deep dives. For the saturation dives the incidence of pain among 14 subjects who rested was 35.7T as compared to 71.4% when the same subjects exercised. For all deep dives, the incidence of pain was 16.36% among 55 subjects who rested as compared to 49.09% when the same subjects exercised. A summary of all singular dives, although not as significant for true comparison, reveals a similar increase of pain symptoms when exercise was performed. Recommendations: the performance of exercise by divers during their decompression period or immediately after reaching surface pressure is not recommended and its employment in current diving practice should be discontinued