It's a long way to happy...A Memoir
註釋The story of the survival of a little girl who was born to an indifferent narcissistic mother and a violent alcoholic father, a child that wasn't wanted by her mother neither before nor after she was born. It was a miracle that she made it into the world. Then the story of the family history that paves the way to the body of the book, accounts of the family in the depression during the early 30's and the account of the tragedies they suffered. From abandonment at a young age straight into the wrong relationship and onto extremely abusive marriage which led to disastrous consequences. On to dealing with her husbands family who were steeped in historical abuse and equally as abusive to her. The challenges she faced with her children with the high court trials and having to fight the government for her children, she fought for justice and just fought to survive both physically and emotionally and then commence damage control. On and into the arms of a dangerous cult and the final realisation that this was not where she wanted to be. The story is filled with anecdotes of humor scattered through its pages to bring the reader back from the depth of despair and smiling if for only a moment, until the story continues. Would this lost little girl ever find happiness or the love that she so desperately craved...? This is a story of survival a story of triumph over adversity and a struggle against all odds. Authors website: http: //www.itsalongwaytohappy.com/ Authors Facebook page: https: //www.facebook.com/Its-a-long-way-to-happy-A-Memoir-by-Samantha-Jane-Eddison-1607430172817386/?ref=bookmarks&qsefr=1