Laughlin Hills Community Magazine

Welcome to the second issue of Laughlin Hills Community Magazine!

In this book you'll find all the details on our upcoming Holiday Fair (remember to pack your blood offerings and curse catchers!), important city changes (a popular street is getting a new name!), the biggest scandals, and so much more! We hope this next installment of our little community magazine can help bring you a little joy and light during the darkest months of the year. (Not literally, though. We would never go against the wishes of the giant void that calls dibs on all natural light during the winter months!)

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Laughlin Hills Community Magazine: Issue 02 - Winter 2022 is a comedy for horror lovers. This parody magazine features a collection of articles and advertisements from the fictional city of Laughlin Hills and is sure to be a hit for fans of horror and speculative fiction.

Praise for Laughlin Hills Community Magazine: Issue 01 - Fall 2022:

"The residents of idyllic Laughlin Hills face varied issues, from unvaccinated changelings to a charity blood drive run by some extremely suspicious and pale phlebotomists. Marceau's natural comedic talent shines through as she expertly weaves humour and horror together through a community newsletter. You'll laugh, you'll tremble, you'll take extra precautions while escaping the pizza joint's parking lot."

- Lindz McCleod, author of Turducken

"I laughed out loud more than once while reading this, and am so impressed by how clever and unique it is ... Very current, very topical, very tongue-in-cheek, very GOOD!"

- Cassie Daley, author of Brutal Hearts