The Picture of Australia
Exhibiting New Holland, Van Dieman's Land, and All the Settlements, from the First at Sydney to the Last at Swan River
出版Whittaker, Treacher, 1829
註釋P. 154; Gum of trees used to glue weapons and implements, bark to make shields, canoes, shelters, ground rattan for sewing their canoes, making baskets; Use of kangaroo skins as cloaks by Tasmanians; p.195; Will not eat stingray; Speculation on origin of Aborigines; Torres Straits Islanders - physical appearance, canoes, weapons, shelters, cultivation; p.211; Gulf of Carpentaria weapons, contact with Malays; Early contacts with Whites at Pt. Jackson, Van Diemens Land, King Georges Sound, Rockingham Bay - huts, canoes, baskets, ovens described; Malay contact at Blue Mud, Caledon Bays; Moreton Bay white contact; Aborigines generally - physical appearance, food, nasal septum pierced, scarification, smearing of skin with grease, dressing of hair, shelters, clothing, utensils, canoes, fishing and implements used, hunting, weapons, stone implements, law and; conflict; Intertribal conflict in Sydney described Role of women; Marriage; Birth; Childhood; Initiation ceremony and tooth avulsion of Cammeraygal in detail; Illness and treatment; Mourning and funerary rites; Infanticide; Religious beliefs; Songs, carvings of weapons, rock paintings noted.