Custom, Classic and Otherwise AWESOME AIR PISTOLS!
註釋Airgun author, champion and hunter Ron Robinson chronicles decades of heretofore unexplored air pistol horizons in his uniquely wry, provocative, and self-effacing writing style. In twelve chapters chock-full of dozens of full-color photos, the author exposes his readers to such unheard of air pistol epiphanies as half-inch groups at FIFTY YARDS, air pistols capable of medium game and varmints, his founding of air pistol field target competition, and capturing State and National Champion titles with such unique air pistols as only he would or could employ to achieve the seemingly impossible with AIR PISTOLS! Robinson's compelling writing style compliments his airgun exploits; direct quotes perhaps the best way to sample his unique style and substance. "We love our toys, you and I. Good thing we're fascinated by such tools; because lacking such benign interests, we'd never get our minds out of the gutter! Of few things more fascinating than mechanical things (and, arguably, females), are POWERFUL mechanical things! This Korean maxi-blaster PCP pistol possesses capabilities beyond what most folks, shooters, and (even) airgunners might imagine." "To call my hunting means and methods unusual might understate the truth of the matter." "Just how many shooting aids, accessories, gadgets and gizmos are appropriate in games of shooting skill?" "Handgunning is one of the most challenging of all shooting pursuits, consequently also rife with obstacles, pitfalls, opinions and misinformation. With handgunning being such a challenging pursuit, finding the best sighting system for the specific purpose can return huge dividends in accuracy and results. Certainly as compared to some popular, retentive airgun nonsenses that return little to none! This chapter will explore handgun sighting equipment choices in the hope of bringing the strengths and weaknesses of each option into focus." "But no matter how fantastic any of it might sound, rest assured, the truth is fantastic enough for our purposes! No bullshit required."