Drift Composition and Glacial Dispersal Trains, Baker Lake Area, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories
註釋In the District of Keewatin, glacial dispersal trains defined by lithology and geochemistry can be mapped at regional, local, and detailed scales. The trains reflect glacial dynamics and the bedrock composition. This report investigates the glacial dispersal trains in the area of Baker Lake, inshore from northwestern Hudson Bay. It reviews the study area's physiography, vegetation, bedrock and Quaternary geology, and glacial history; describes the study methods used, including till sampling, drill core examination, and geochemical and lithological analyses; and presents and discusses the study results. These results include till geochemistry and pebble lithology at regional and local scale, detailed glacial dispersal patterns at the Kazan River and Bissett Lake sites, and subsurface compositional variations. The implications of the results for mineral exploration based on drift prospecting are discussed.