Stresses in Load-bearing Walls During Construction
註釋The calculation of stresses and deformations in a load-bearing wall is usually performed under the assumption that all loads are applied after the structure has been completed. In reality this is not the case. The dominating loads in a block of flats e.g. are caused by the self-weight of the building which increases during construction. Statically determinate structures are built up in such a way that a given external force can correspond to only one distribution of internal forces irrespective of the force-deflection properties of the system. On the other hand, in statically indeterminate structures equilibrium exists for several combinations of interior forces under the same exterior load. Generally, multi-storey buildings with interconnected load-bearing walls are statically indeterminate structures and therefore the load distribution is statically possible in many ways. The state of equilibrium appearing in a given situation will depend upon flexibilities of the structure. These in turn are influenced by the method and order of erection during construction. Thus the effect of the self-weight of load-carrying units can not be described by analysing the behaviour of the completed structure. In the following the interest is concentrated upon structural systems with load-bearing cross-walls connected to self-supporting exterior walls. The basic conditions for the stresses and deformations in the walls are formulated in such a way that the successive loads during construction may be considered. Only effects of the weight and shrinkage of the structural elements are taken into account. The analysis is performed according to an approximate method. The application of the technique is demonstrated with examples, and the results are compared with those obtained by using other methods.