It is 1716 and a man is barbarically tortured to death by servants of the English Crown. So begins a political conspiracy to murder one, then blame, and hang another for this medieval crime after the Hanoverian King George the First, was persuaded a change of heart by the politicians of his folly.
Fast forward to 2008. Cluff, a lawyer is sent to defend him. First, he has to be sent back in time. A time-portal mysteriously appearing on a bleak moor is the gateway for this reluctant traveller.
Phileas Cluff is a QC in waiting. The founding fathers of his Lincoln's Inn Fields practice of Ellic & Waite give him, the likely, one-way brief. In a time where modern-day forensics was useless, he was to rely on wit. If he loses, the lives of 300 children back in his own time are in jeopardy.
Violence, death, conspiracy, and intrigue - with the underlying narrative of the 1715 Jacobite Uprising in the duchy of Cornwall - will pitch this story to an unexpected conclusion.
The Tinners Hut is a thriller of a roller-coaster ride with a dark conclusion you will not expect. One that will worm into the brain long after the last page.
Buy Your Copy of THE TINNERS HUT today
and begin your journey with this Paranormal Historical Novel that's Stylish! Sharp! and Grippingly! out of this world; a book that will blow your mind, asking you to consider the theory that quantum physics expounds that parallel universes likely possible.