American Furniture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
註釋This publication documents The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of early colonial furniture and presents a broad spectrum of furniture forms made in America during the 17th and early 18th centuries, including chairs and other seating, tables, boxes, various types of chests and cupboards, dressing tables, and desks. The volume also includes prime examples of the different modes of ornamentation in fashion during that period. Over 140 objects are thoroughly described, with detailed information given on each one's construction, condition, dimensions, materials, and inscriptions and other marks, as well as provenance and exhibition history. Every object is explained in terms of the styles and craftsmanship of the period and evaluated in light of comparative pieces in public and private collections throughout the country. Also included is one appendix containing photographic details of construction and decorative elements, and another with line drawings explaining furniture terms and showing various types of joints and moldings. This is the first volume in a series of two that is dedicated to American furniture in the Museum. -- Metropolitan Museum of Art website.