註釋NHS Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) were created in 2002 to commission health services for their local populations, and are currently responsible for controlling about 80 per cent of the £76 billion NHS annual budget. In addition, PCTs have responsibility for public health, and many also provide community-based health services such as district nursing and community hospitals. The Committee's report examines the Government's proposals (set out in the Department of Health paper 'Commissioning a Patient-led NHS' published in July 2005, which can be downloaded at http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/11/67/17/04116717.pdf) to cut the number of PCTs and to contract out community health services by the end of 2008. The report raises a number of serious concerns about the proposals, including in relation to: failings in the consultation process; the impact of PCT restructuring and divestment of provider services; and the likelihood that the estimated financial savings of £250 million will be achieved.