The Soul Deck (Cards Plus Guide Book)

Aneeta Sanas, known by her spiritual alias AniTara, stands as a luminary in the expansive realm of metaphysical exploration, holistic healing, and spiritual guidance. With a profound career that spans over two decades, Aneeta has become a guiding light, leading countless individuals on transformative journeys toward self-discovery and ascension into higher realms.

From the early years of her life, Aneeta exhibited an innate connection to the spiritual dimensions, fostering a deep curiosity about the metaphysical aspects of existence. This curiosity propelled her into a multifaceted exploration of various spiritual practices and modalities, laying the groundwork for a lifelong commitment to understanding and harnessing the subtle energies that shape our reality.

Aneeta's journey into the realms of healing and metaphysics was marked by a profound recognition of the interconnectedness between mind, body, and spirit. Armed with this insight, she immersed herself in the study of diverse healing modalities, ranging from energy healing and crystal therapy to meditation and ancient wisdom traditions. Her commitment to holistic well-being became the cornerstone of her philosophy, emphasizing the vital importance of aligning the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual for true healing.

As a healer, Aneeta Sanas, or AniTara, approaches her craft with deep intuition, drawing upon her natural gifts and channeling divine energies to facilitate profound shifts in consciousness. Her healing sessions have gained acclaim for their transformative impact, aiding individuals in releasing energetic blockages, healing past traumas, and aligning with their soul's purpose. Aneeta's healing touch has earned her a reputation as a catalyst for positive change, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those who seek her guidance.

Aneeta's evolution as a spiritual guide and mentor has been characterized by a commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. Immersing herself in the study of various esoteric traditions, she integrates ancient wisdom with modern insights to create a holistic approach to spiritual awakening. Her teachings reflect a deep understanding of the universal principles that govern our existence, offering practical tools for navigating life's complexities with grace and wisdom.

The apex of Aneeta Sanas's spiritual journey manifests in the creation of the Soul Deck By Healing Touch. This meticulously curated oracle deck, infused with Aneeta's profound insights, serves as a bridge between the spiritual and material worlds. The Soul Deck transcends being a mere divination tool; it is a vehicle for self-discovery, empowerment, and the activation of Universal Abundance Energy.

Aneeta's commitment to sharing her wisdom extends beyond personal sessions and the Soul Deck. She conducts workshops, retreats, and online programs, providing seekers with the guidance and tools needed to navigate their spiritual journeys. Aneeta's authentic and heart-centered approach resonates with those seeking a deeper connection to their inner selves and a greater understanding of the spiritual dimensions that shape our reality.

In Aneeta Sanas, the world finds a compassionate guide, a transformative healer, and a custodian of ancient wisdom. Her journey, marked by authenticity and dedication, continues to inspire and uplift those who are drawn to the path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. As AniTara, she remains a guiding light, illuminating the way for all who seek the profound wisdom of the soul.