An Incorruptible Heart

More than ever before, the Body of Christ needs a generation of godly leaders who can have influence without losing their integrity. God is searching for those in whom He can safely entrust the authority of His kingdom and the mantle of leadership. In this book, David McCracken gives leaders the spiritual understanding and practical outworking to carry the level of authority and power that God desires to flow through them.

An Incorruptible Heart gives prophetic and apostolic insight into the deeper heart issues of integrity, purity of motivation, intimacy with God, accountability, servanthood, spiritual fatherhood and much more. If you want to finish well with greatness of character, this book will empower your future success for God’s glory.

'An Incorruptible Heart’ is deeply challenging. It is written out of the depths of experiences of life, ministry and significant Biblical understanding. It’s uncomfortable to have the mirror turned on you as it is read. However, one feels inward renewal as one surrenders to the truth. In a fast moving Christian sub-culture it is worth making a priority read.


With so much tragic failure in Christian ministries and leadership today, how must we face the new millennium? David McCracken has done us all a great service in analysing and compiling the great themes of faithful leadership; servant hearts, yielded expectations, accountability and intimacy with Christ; utterly necessary principles for us to honor the Lord in the great decade of harvest before us. My Dad (a champion cyclist) once said to me: “Son, it’s not how you begin the race; it’s how you finish that counts.” David’s book will help you cross that line a winner!

WINKIE PRATNEY, International Speaker and Author, USA

David McCracken’s excellent book reminds us of the power of an incorruptible heart. I often say, “don’t trust a leader who doesn’t limp.” Meaning... people who have gone through the fires of trials, pressures, crisis, pain, and disappointment, yet have decided to trust God and be people of integrity with a sweet spirit. Those who limp have been there and have come out better. I listen to these people and learn. David is one of those people. His book is full of transparency, vulnerability, and wisdom arising from the pressures of ministry and life. Throughout his writing he brings hope, inspiration, and faith to us who are looking for positive examples. He reminds us of the critical truth that we must protect our heart from bitterness, walk the road of integrity, and keep tender to the things of God and to the needs of people.


It is easy to see that this book has been forged from the decades of ministry experienced by David, starting where we all start: young, zealous and naive to developing into very senior mature leadership. David’s heart, his life, his experience, his blood sweat and tears are spilled onto these pages. What a book for Senior Pastors to keep us on the “straight and narrow” in order to achieve what we all set out for. What a book for existing leadership to keep the hearts right and save the “body” from the heartaches of the past. What a book for emerging leadership to forewarn them of the pitfalls that can await them. What a book for the body of Christ at large to help the saints, both young and old, to grow into the full measure and stature of Christ.