D. H. Lawrence

This impressive volume is made up of eleven essays by a distinguished group of contributors, including both Lawrence specialists and well-known critics who work primarily in other areas. Nine of the essays were commissioned especially for this volume, and the other two were revised by their authors for book publication. Each engages in a fresh and provocative way an important aspect of Lawrence's writings.

The book's organization follows the chronology of Lawrence's career, and the essays cover the full range of his creative achievement, from analyses of major novels and short fiction to reassessments of his poetry and visionary thought. No single ideology or methodology dominates the volume: the contributions include traditional humanistic studies and formalist readings as well as feminist approaches and analyses that reflect current poststructuralist theory. Some of the essays implicitly challenge the validity of others, and some may well cause controversy. Taken together, they illuminate the richness of Lawrence's writings and the multifaceted nature of his accomplishments.

D. H. Lawrence; A Centenary Consideration will be rewarding reading both for Lawrencian specialists and for others interested in modem literature.