Erotic Romance Novels for Women
註釋Erotic Romance Novels for Women. Written by Alisa Lores.My neighbor Carl: My name is Sandra, I'm a housewife and mother and I live in a rather quiet little town where nothing ever really happens. Things are actually going quite well with me and my husband after several years of marriage, but in sexual terms, just not too much happens anymore. Over time I have come to terms with this and discovered ways for me to take care of myself sexually...This is one of my secrets that no one else knows about. Sometimes when I leave the house, my little friend accompanies me on my errands. Yesterday, for example, I went shopping in town and the whole time he was quietly and relentlessly stimulating me....Corinna's sex addiction: Jealously Corinna always paid attention to her beautiful flat belly and exciting wasp hips. Many a compliment she had already caught for her figure. Of course, she was also very much in love with herself. She ended her reflections with a light pat on the pubic mound.All the stories and more are waiting for you in the book, of course.Read for free with Kindle unlimited!short stories for adults, sex stories from 18 uncensored, erotic short stories, erotic short stories, sex stories