Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology
註釋The first edition of the Handbook of Clinica! Child As for new chapters, the reader will note that Neuropsychology was printed in 1989. At that time, we have included severa! chapters on pediatric trau we thought that the concept of experts in the field matic brain injury that clearly document the contin coming together to mine the depths of child neuro uum of care from trauma to school reentry. Tom psychology was appealing and necessary. The suc Boli and Lisa Stanford address the mechanisms of cess of the first edition of the Handbook proved that brain injury; Elaine Fletcher-Janzen and Dennis others thought the same. Indeed, it appeared that the Kade address inpatient treatment of children with field of child neuropsychology was thirsty for sem traumatic brain injury; Kenneth McCoy, Barbara inal works that pushed our knowledge about the Gelder, Renee VanHom, and Raymond Dean ex neuropsychology of these "moving targets" called pand their ideas about cognitive rehabilitation; and children forward. We waited for a rush of criticism Ruth Haak and Ron Livingston complete the cycle about some of the more extreme views expres sed in of treatment with an examination of school reentry the first edition: None carne. We waited for other and management of traumatic brain injury now that volumes to appear: None appeared. Hence, we in it is an "official" handicapping condition in the pub troduce the second edition of the Handbook of Clin lic schools.