Your Pocket Divorce Guide

Your Pocket Divorce Guide provides practical guidance for separartion, finding an attorney or a divorce mediator, explains maintenance, child support, and starting a new life as a single. An especially valuable chapter explains the leagal divorce process. Author Linda C. Senn has also included a full Glossary of Leagal Teminology often used in divorce matters. Therapists, attorneys, and divorce mediators around the country recommend this book to their clients. And the highly stressed reader will appreciate the concise presentationin just 106 pages!

New! This 2nd edition includes a new appendix: "The Forgotten Onces: Your Adult Children and Your Divorce." Traditionally society has assumed that those offspring already have "their own lives" and won't be strongly affected by their parents split. Nothing could be further from the truth! This powerful section helps both the parents and the formerly "forgotten onces" navigate that bumpy path with honest, wisdom, and love.