Osebne izkušnje in institucionalni vidiki / Personal Experiences and Institutional Aspects
出版Založba ZRC, 2015-09-01

Področje vizualne antropologije in etnografije je že pred časom prešlo fazo formiranja in mnogi akterji, ki so spremljali in soustvarjali zgodovino, se danes ozirajo na svoje delo, ga ponovno presojajo, sistematizirajo, pa tudi iščejo nova vprašanja ali teme za raziskave, ki bi zaokrožile in dopolnile njihov opus. V ta prostor sodi tudi knjiga, v kateri so objavljeni prispevki šestnajstih domačih in tujih antropologov oz. etnologov. Nekateri iščejo širši, oddaljeni pogled na svoje dolgoletno delo, dejavnosti in sodelovanja, drugi obravnavajo ožje teme ali vprašanja, na primer o izobraževalnih modelih in pristopih, o terenskih izkušnjah in metodah, definiciji etnografskega filma in uporabi vizualnega v muzeologiji, ob raziskavah in predstavitvah kulturne dediščine. Knjiga je hkrati tudi poklon Našku Križnarju, spiritusu movensu slovenske vizualne etnografije, ki že več desetletij deluje in ustvarja na tem področju, skrbi za njegov razvoj in uveljavitev doma in v tujini.

Njegovo delo je v knjigi obravnavano iz več vidikov, najprej je umeščeno v širši okvir vizualne antropologije v Sloveniji, nato je posebna pozornost namenjena nekaterim zamejenim sklopom njegovega delovanja, kot so leta v Goriškem muzeju, delu na Koroškem ter sodelovanju s kolegi v regiji. Te prispevke dopolnjujejo bibliografija, izbrana filmografija in intervju, v katerem Naško Križnar poda nekaj lucidnih misli in opažanj o svojem preteklem delovanju – o poteh in stranpoteh etnologa s kamero.

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The field of visual anthropology and ethnography has long since passed its formation phase, and many protagonists, who co-created its history, are today reflecting on their own work, evaluating and systematizing it, but also searching for new research questions and topics that would complement and conclude their contributions. This monograph of 16 papers from Slovene and international visual anthropologists and ethnologists firmly places itself in a self-reflective perspective. Some of the researchers are attempting to find a distant, broader view of their work; others are discussing more narrow topics and research questions in which they were more deeply engaged, e.g. educational models and approaches, fieldwork experiences and methods, definitions of ethnographic film and use of the visual in museology, in research and in the representation of cultural tradition. This book is also a tribute to Naško Križnar, the spiritus movens of Slovene visual ethnography, who has been working and creating in this field for several decades, taking responsibility for its development and affirmation at home and abroad. Several papers discuss different aspects of his work; he first is positioned in the broader context of visual anthropology in Slovenia, and then attention is drawn to some distinct examples of his activities, such as his employment at the Goriško Museum, his fieldwork in Carinthia/Koroška (Austria), and to his cooperation with professional colleagues from the region. These papers are supplemented by the bibliography, selected filmography and interview, in which Naško Križnar articulates his thoughts and observations about his past experiences and his work – about his highways and byways as an ethnologist with a camera.