Alien Invaders in Canada's Waters, Wetlands and Forests
註釋Alien invaders: an introduction / Geoffrey G.E. Scudder--Invasive alien species: an international perspective on a borderless issue / Laurie E. Neville-- Ecological and economic impacts of alien species: a phenomenal global change / Daniel Simberloff --Spread and impact of alien plants across Canadian landscapes / Erich Haber--Invasive alien species in Canadian forests / Ole Hendrickson--Introduction and transfer of alien aquatic species in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River drainage basin / Yves de Lafontaine and Georges Costan--Alien aquatic species in Manitoba: present and threatening / Wendy Ralley--Alien species in Saskatchewan: impacts, pathways, and possible solutions / Richard H.M. Espie, Paul C. James, and Kevin M. Murphy--Marine and estuarine alien species in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia / Colin Levings [and others].--Species introductions and changes in the marine vegetation of Atlantic Canada / Annelise S. Chapman, Robert E. Scheibling, and Anthony R.O. Chapman--Gypsy moth in Canada: case study of an invasive insect / Vince G. Nealis--Canada's response to the introduction of fanwort in Ontario waters: a case study / Francine MacDonald--Intentional introduction of tench into southern Quebec / Pierre Dumont [and others].--Green crab introductions in North America: the Atlantic and Pacific experiences / Glen S. Jamieson--Traits of endangered and invading freshwater mollusks in North America / Gerald L. Mackie--Intentional introductions of alien species of fish: have we learned from our mistakes? / Dennis Wright--Preventing the introduction and spread of alien aquatic species in the Great Lakes / Alan Dextrase--Alien species transported in ships' ballast water: from known impact to regulations / Christopher J. Wiley and Renata Claudi--Plant quarantine: preventing the introduction and spread of alien species harmful to plants / Marcel Dawson--Stimulating political awareness of invasive alien species: lessons learned from Canada's purple loosestrife initiative / Gerry Lee--Manitoba purple loosestrife project: partnerships and initiatives in the control of invasive alien species / Cory J. Lindgren--Managing established populations of alien species / Daniel Simberloff--Classical biological control of invasive alien plants in natural areas / James E. Corrigan--Biological control of weeds in Canada: results, opportunities, and constraints / Peter Harris and Simon F. Shamoun--Predictive science for a proactive approach to alien invaders / Patrick Nantel.