Core Connections
註釋Organization of the Curriculum. Chapters are organized in sections. Each section contains several lessons that develop a mathematical topic, and is designated by a section number and a puzzle piece icon. A puzzle icon, which appears at the beginning of each lesson in a section, is representative of the mathematical concepts contained in that section of the text. Each chapter is framed with Guiding Questions designed to create interest in the lesson and to remind students to look for connections and to understand the meaning behind the mathematical concepts in the lesson. The section numbers are sequential for each chapter and are designated by the chapter number followed by the section number. For example, Section 10.2 is the second section of chapter 10. Lesson numbers use a chapter.section.lesson format. Thus, Lesson 3.2.1 is the first lesson of the second section in Chapter 3. The basic structure of every lesson in the text includes the core mathematical content followed by a Review and Preview homework section. Lessons may include some additional elements, such as Discussion Points, Further Guidance, Stoplight Problems, Calculator or No Calculator Problems, Learning Log Entries, or Math Notes. Homework regularly includes Checkpoint Problems. A description of each element follows.