व्यावसायिक संगठन और प्रबंधन Business Organisation And Management B. Com. 1st Sem
註釋1. Business—Meaning, Concept, Definition, Classification, Functions and Importance 2. Business Organisation 3. Establishment of Business 4. Essential Elements of Business Success and Qualities of a Successful Businessman 5. Forms of Business Organisations : Sole Proprietorship or Sole Trade 6. Partnership (Including Provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 7. Joint Hindu Family Business 8. Company/Joint Stock Company 9. Co-Operative Organisation 10. Plant Location 11. Plant Layout 12. Factors Affecting the Size of Business Unit (Including Optimum Size of Business Unit) 13. Business Combination (Meaning, Characteristics, Causes or Motives, Effects, Advantages, Disadvantages, Types, Forms and Business Combination in Indian Industries) 14. Rationalisation (Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Aspects or Features, Principles, Merits-Demerits, Suggestions and Rationalisa-tion in India) 15. management—Meaning, Characteristics and Functional Area 16. Management—Nature, Principles, Levels and Limitations 17. Functions of Management and Managerial Roles 18. Scientific Management.