My Home Is Where My Heart Is

My Home is Where My Heart Is-and my heart is right here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Yet part of me will always belong to the old country since two of my kids and their families still live in Switzerland. I am remarried now and also have four stepchildren and five step-grandchildren. All together we have eight kids now, and four of them live within sixty miles from us. How much better could I have it? Some of my great-grandkids live in the area too, and so we can also be part of their lives. But being retired gave us the time to visit the others more often. Dennis Prigge and I were married in July 2002. He lived in Missouri and I was here in the Northwoods. At first I thought I would move, to be with him, after I retired. Then one day Dennis asked me, "What would you say if we stay right here in Wisconsin?" He said I lit up like a Christmas tree! Oh, yes-I would like to stay right here, where I have lots of family and friends. So in November 2002 we bought this little log cabin. I retired in February 2004, and now we have the rest of our lives to remodel our little log cabin in the woods. It is still a work in progress. But I now can sit back and enjoy the last years of my life, however many it will be. My heart has finally found peace and happiness!