Fragment of a letter
Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1778-1787 : Basco y Vargas)
Manila, from the judges of the Audiencia to the king, Charles III, concerning sale of lands confiscated from the Jesuits
Last page of a letter, dated in Manila in 1783 (month and date missing), from the president and oidores of the Audiencia, informing the king of decisions taken by the Acuerdo extraordinario de temporalidades concerning church property confiscated from the Jesuits, who had been expelled from the Philippines in 1768. This portion of the letter indicates that the sale of some of the lands formerly owned by the Jesuits has been put off until the commission has concluded its investigation, considering that the haciendas in question would not produce enough revenue to be self-supporting. Although the papers relevant to these lands are being forwarded to the king, those papers pertaining to the lands owned by the Colegio de San Ildefonso have had to be returned to the municipal council for correction of a serious error. The fragment bears the signatures of José Basco y Vargas, the president of the Audiencia, and four oidores: Felix Quijada y Obejero; Hemeterio Cacho; Ciriaco Gonzalez Carvajal; and Manuel del Castillo y Negrete.