When Robert Reynolds joined the army, he wasnt sure if he was running to something or running from something. Growing up with a brother and a single mom, life was tough. Traveling from town to town, his mother would take them wherever the work was. They finally settled in a small New England town. His years growing up werent about football games or education; they were all about running the family farm, with his only release being taking on the towns local bullies and teaching them a lesson. Roberts next adventure in life was joining the army rangers. His next challenge was taking on the cartel. Finally feeling like he belongs, he dedicates his life to cleaning up the drug world in Mexico. Learning everything he can about the cartel and their life, he becomes a natural leader in taking down the cartel.
Roberts adventures bring new meaning to his life, with one important person, being a woman named Debbie, who was the only woman whom Robert truly gave his heart and body to. With Debbie, daughter Sarah, and his brother rangers by his side, he is unstoppable. As Robert continues on with his missions, he runs into some troublea senator with an attitude, a man who wants some answers to a mission gone bad and is looking for a scapegoat, Robert being his main target. Can Debbie and his brother rangers save Robert from execution or will Robert take the fall, leaving the cartel to take over Mexico again?