Pain Toolkit Neuropathic Pain UK and Australia

Welcome to the Pain Toolkit 

This Pain Toolkit ....is for people who live with Neuropathic persistent, long-term pain.

Throughout the Pain Toolkit, you will see text in blue. These are hyperlinks to videos and other useful information.

Pete Moore from the UK and co-author Mary Wing from Australia collaborated in this edition of the Pain Toolkit

Here is a welcome video from Pete & Mary

Pete says...A persistent pain problem can be difficult to understand and manage on an everyday basis.

Like many people I struggled to manage my pain back in the early 1990’s. I was lucky to get myself on a pain management programme, which gave me the information, but more importantly, the confidence to manage my pain, myself. 

Since 1997, I haven't had the need to take any pain medication, simply because I still use the information from the programme.

Is it easy? Well it’s like most things, you have to work at it. I’m not an academic guy, but all I can tell you, is that if I can do it, then I know others can.

The Pain Toolkit is a simple information booklet that could provide you with some handy tips and skills to support you along the way to manage your pain.

It is not meant to be the last word in pain self-management but a handy guide to help you get started. 

All you need to be is willing to read it and take on board some of the suggestions.

Good luck!

Pete Moore & Mary Wing