The Freshman's Shot
註釋Set in the late 1980's, Randy Taylor has always loved basketball, but lives in a Texas town consumed by football and its winning tradition. The Freshman's Shot is based on true events woven together and written in screenplay form highlighting the pressures young men feel to fit into a community, high school, and family where football is a way of life. Randy is forced to make a choice given to him by living legend and football patriarch, Coach Robbins. Football or basketball, but not both. If he chooses basketball, it could embarrass his family and the whole town may label him a quitter. Randy must navigate through high school issues, convince his peers that he is worthy of a chance to compete, and overcome opponents who want nothing more than to bury him. With the help of his brother, friends, parents and teammates, Randy is poised to take The Freshman's Shot. 106 pages of script. About the Author: Marc CB Maxwell grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas where he played high school basketball. When given the opportunity, Maxwell took The Freshman's Shot and was featured on ABC's Good Morning America as a result. Maxwell is the co-creator and co-author of the Sports By The Numbers book series (Savas Beatie Publishing). In 2019, Maxwell was inducted into his High School's Athletic Hall of Fame.