Harvard Law Review: Volume 131, Number 4 - February 2018

The contents for the February 2018 issue (Number 4) include: 

• Article, “Are We Running out of Trademarks? An Empirical Study of Trademark Depletion and Congestion,” by Barton Beebe & Jeanne C. Fromer 

• Article, “Agency Fees and the First Amendment,” by Benjamin I. Sachs  

• Book Review, “Unsettling History,” by Jennifer M. Chacón 

• Note, “Bail Reform and Risk Assessment: The Cautionary Tale of Federal Sentencing” 

In addition, the issue includes several commentaries on Recent Cases, analyzing such subjects as: political rights and nonapportionment in Puerto Rico; asserting conspiracy-of-silence claim when prevented from witnessing a search; constitutionality of routine shackling in pretrial proceedings; sovereign immunity as applied to Ethiopia in hacking suit; harms-of-abatement doctrine and due process; and whether aggregate term-of-years sentences implicate Eighth Amendment restrictions on juvenile life without parole. Finally the issue features several summaries of Recent Publications. 

The Harvard Law Review is offered in a quality digital edition, featuring active Contents, linked footnotes, active URLs, legible tables, and proper ebook and Bluebook formatting. This current issue of the Review is February 2018, the 4th issue of academic year 2017-2018 (Volume 131). The Review is a student-run organization whose primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship. It comes out monthly from November through June and has roughly 2500 pages per volume. Student editors make all editorial and organizational decisions.