Project management

ÿThe default learning path in this e-book takes a problem-based approach to learning about project management. You work through a realistically complex and messy example of project management and engage in a series of tasks associated with the case-study materials. At each stage of the case study you have access to project management resources which describe useful approaches to project management and introduce useful frameworks and tools. However, these are provided as an aid to your learning not as the main focus. The emphasis here is on learning through engagement with problems. We have found that this kind of learning approach maximises your chances of learning in a way that transfers into your own working practice. Of course it is possible to use these learning resources in other ways. Should you choose to you can, for example, start with the resources on project management approaches (which are available as separate study e-books: Preparing a project, Planning a project, Managing projects through people, Implementing the project and Completing the project) and come back to the case study as an applied example.

This e-book consists of a guided learning journey through a case study of project management within a call-centre. The case study has seven stages. At each stage you will find audio, video and text materials which you can look at in any order. At each stage there is an associated activity which will ask you to work on some of the issues in the case study. Each stage also has associated resources which describe relevant project management approaches and frameworks. You can draw on these as needed, depending on your existing knowledge about project management.