Showdown at Buffalo Jump
註釋Spur Award-winning novelist Gary Svee spins a tale of deception, passion, greed, and the fight to survive in the Montana prairie....

From the town of Prairie Rose, Max Bass sends word to any and all able-bodied women: He wants to get hitched. Of course, he stretches the truth a bit when describing his life, his home, his finances....So when Catherine O'Dowd, his mail-order- bride-to-be, takes exception to his tall tales, he finds himself with one furious woman on his hands. And that is the least of his problems....

A crooked banker is out to cheat him out of his life savings, the Montana weather is threatening to ruin his chance of becoming a cattle rancher, and Catherine's sharp tongue has him treading softly when he heads home at night. But when his fight to make his lies into truth turns deadly, Max and Catherine must work together to protect what little they have -- which just may include each other.